Reviewing the Bureau [Newsletter 11/2021] / by kaz yoneda

This month’s edition of the newsletter is a little different from our typical series of essays, guest’s contributions, or ruminations on architecture, urbanism, and design.

Not so much because this year is winding down unbelievably fast and we are entering a holiday season mood, nor because we’ve exhausted topics to write about. Quite the opposite, this month has a special meaning to Bureau 0-1, as well as to me personally, and we’d like to share the significance.

It was 7 years ago on this fateful month that “bureau0-1”, as a sole proprietor design practice, excitedly yet anxiously began its exploration into an uncharted territory of independence. Another parallel event for us is that Bureau 0-1 will soon enter its 5th year as an incorporated entity. While we constantly strive to set our visions towards the future, November inevitably affords us a moment for introspection.

From 2018, Beginning of the Bureau 0-1, Inc.

The practice began with a vision to create and imagine architecture, urban, and speculative designs that are not bound by borders or conventions. The word "bureau" in our name derives from a small desk, or on another hand, an office or department of certain scale and influence. It reminds us of the humble beginning of where we started, as well as the aspirations to create and imagine across different scales. The term also subsumes our collective will to make this practice, which began with a single desk, to eventually affect a wider territoriality. “0-1" stands for creating something from nothing. The symbol "0" has the meaning of creating a new prototype that has never existed before, while being mindful of histories and contexts. “0-1” also has a tertiary meaning to empower an individual to pursue whatever one’s intellectual curiosity may guide them towards without hesitation or reservations, within or without architecture. We recognize that each person is a complex manifold being, and like architecture and design, each facet should be polished continuously like a diamond.

The word ‘architecture’ also has had and continues to have a multifaceted meaning. It is not a word that indicates a single occupation, but rather a worldview that refers to the way of thinking that crosses various fields such as culture, society, art, engineering, and philosophy. We recognize the importance of new ways of thinking, new ideas, in order to propose a societal and cultural creation necessary for a better future. In order to achieve this goal, we simultaneously analyze as well as challenge the zeitgeist, at times, and will attempt to manifest it in a variety of ways, from publishing to architecture, research and practice, and whatever form that may come our way.

That was our original intention, and our core values and attitudes have not changed. Needless to say, it has been a long, ongoing journey without a compass, starting literally from “zero” and forging onwards down the untread path. And looking back, we were able to do some interesting things, such as a futuristic logistics center , designing robotscollaboration for Convivial Future , and beginning this newsletter  as a theoretical think-lab notwithstanding; often taking on what typical architecture practices do not, happily and openly. However, to be honest in my opinion, we have yet to accomplish anything. This observation serves as an instigation for both an intense reflection and fiery motivation. In this light, may this moment begin a process to engender a promise from us in coming years to think big, act vigorously, and exact results. 

2022 is fast approaching, and we look forward to it with might and hunger. Bureau 0-1 will be delivering some exciting news, so stay tuned, and thank you always for supporting us, in thoughts and in action.

Some works


English Writing: Kaz Yoneda
Editor: Hinako Izuhara
Associate: Tomoka Kurosawa

Thank you for your time and kind attention.

Until next time!